ወደ ዳሰሳ ሂድ ወደ ዋናው ይዘት ሂድ ወደ ግርጌ ሂድ

Basic Course Fashion Styling


  1. ስልጠና ፈልግ
  2. ይመዝገቡ
  3. ይማሩ
  4. የተሳትፎ የምስክር ወረቀት ይቀበሉ

Fashion styling is the art of curating and putting together clothing, accessories, and other elements to create visually appealing outfits and overall looks. With this basic course, you will get a first insight into the profession as well as the most important basic knowledge.


የኮርሶች ዝርዝር

  • ነጻ
  • የተሳትፎ የምስክር ወረቀት
  • English
  • L1 መሰረታዊ
  • ከ 2 ሰዓት በታች
  • 10 ሞጁሎች


  • Definition of fashion styling
  • Roles and responsibilities of a fashion stylist
  • Key fashion terms and concepts
  • Understanding clothing categories and styles
  • Colour Theory
  • Body Shapes and Silhouettes
  • Wardrobe Essentials
  • Fashion Trends
  • Basic Styling Techniques
  • Test

ስለ ሞጁል መረጃ

5 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

10 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

ተያያዥ ኮርሶች

0 Bilder
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