Basic course Health Care Worker
This course first starts with an introduction of the profession nursing. In a second step, skills and traits needed to be a nurse are listed as well as different roles nurses take on presented. In the self-study units, you can build up your knowledge step by step and then test it in a short test.
ይመዝገቡየኮርሶች ዝርዝር
- ነጻ
- የተሳትፎ የምስክር ወረቀት
- English
- L1 መሰረታዊ
- ከ 2 ሰዓት በታች
- 3 ሞጁሎች
- Introduction of the profession nursing
- Skills and traits needed to be a nurse
- Different roles of nurses
- Introduction to the Human Body
- Types of Anatomical Terminology
- Introduction to Pharmacology