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Basic course Receptionist


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  4. Teilnahmezertifikat

This course will guide you through the most important basics a receptionist should know in order to perform well.

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  • kostenlos
  • Teilnahmeurkunde
  • Englisch
  • L1 Basis
  • unter 2 Stunden
  • 7 Module


  • Receptionists
  • Training to be a Receptionist
  • The role of the Receptionist
  • Characteristics needed to become a good Receptionist
  • Different types of Receptionists and career opportunities
  • Work environment
  • Test your knowledge

Informationen zu den Modulen

2 Minuten

What is a Receptionist?
How to become a Receptionist

2 Minuten

Certification and Diploma

2 Minuten

Duties and responsibilities of a Receptionist

15 Minuten

Deportment and appearance
Communication skills and knowledge
Phone skills
Taking messages
Company knowledge

3 Minuten

Different types of Receptionists
Career opportunities

10 Minuten

Work environment
A day in the life of a Receptionist

10 Minuten


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