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Course to develop explainer videos


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In this course you will get detailed description of the steps to create your first explainer video. These trips should help you create a good conceptual foundation for your medium. This way, you can ensure that your videos ar not only aesthetically pleasing, but also didactically purposeful.

  1. Find the "Right" Content
  2. Writing the script
  3. Visualize the text
  4. Embed the video in a complex competency task
  5. Technical production & embeding
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  • kostenlos
  • Teilnahmeurkunde
  • Englisch
  • L1 Basis
  • 5 Module


  • Find the "Right" Content
  • Writing the script
  • Visualize the text
  • Embed the video in a complex competency task
  • Technical production & embedding

Informationen zu den Modulen

5 Minuten

7 Minuten

10 Minuten

10 Minuten

10 Minuten

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