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Metal construction - Safety during welding


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  4. Teilnahmezertifikat

Safety during welding is essential. Intense heat, dangerous radiation and heavy equipment harbour risks that can endanger lives and projects. In this course, you will learn how to recognise and minimise hazards. We will show you how to select, maintain and use the right personal protective equipment (PPE), organise the workplace safely and apply first aid measures. You will also learn how to store materials and tools safely and understand the importance of regular maintenance. Expand your knowledge to work safely and accurately.


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  • kostenlos
  • Teilnahmeurkunde
  • Englisch
  • L1 Basis
  • unter 2 Stunden
  • 7 Module


  • Recognising and protecting against welding-related hazards
  • Understand the selection, care and use of PPE
  • Prepare and organise your workplace safely
  • Learn first aid measures
  • Store and handle materials and tools safely
  • Maintaining and testing equipment
  • Test

Informationen zu den Modulen

10 Minuten

10 Minuten

10 Minuten

10 Minuten

10 Minuten

10 Minuten

10 Minuten

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