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Microcontroller Programming and Prototyping - Tutorial 1 & 2


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It provides a detailed overview of the Arduino Uno and Arduino Nano family, highlighting their specifications, differences, and practical applications. The tutorial aims to familiarize students with the fundamental components and capabilities of these microcontrollers, setting the foundation for hands-on learning in the subsequent tutorials.

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  • kostenlos
  • Teilnahmeurkunde
  • Englisch
  • L1 Basis
  • unter 2 Stunden
  • 4 Module


  • Tutorial 1 - Introduction
  • Tutorial 2a - Intro to Micro Controllers Programming and prototyping using Arduino Uno.
  • Tutorial 2b - Essential aspects of coding with the Tinkercad

Informationen zu den Modulen

8 Minuten

25 Minuten

20 Minuten

10 Minuten


  • AlgoAtWork Robotics Academy

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