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Photovoltaics - The type plate


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  4. Teilnahmezertifikat

This module explains the type plate with the internationally used characteristics, explains the terms and provides specific figures. In addition, other solar technology parameters are shown and electrical relationships are illustrated.

For a basic understanding of the mode of operation and also to be able to qualitatively assess and compare different modules, it is essential to know the characteristic data from the type plate, the metrological determination of this characteristic data and the graphic conversion into characteristic curves.

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  • kostenlos
  • Teilnahmeurkunde
  • Englisch
  • L1 Basis
  • unter 2 Stunden
  • 5 Module


  • The type plate of the solar module
  • Technical characteristics of a solar Panel
  • The fill factor
  • Exercise
  • Test

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5 Minuten


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10 Minuten

10 Minuten

10 Minuten

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