Intermediate course for electronics engineers on energy and building technology
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This course is an advanced course for electronics technicians for energy and building technology and follows on from the basic course.
You can deal more intensively with building services engineering, electrics and energy technology in order to understand even better what an industrial electrician actually does. You can also acquire initial specialist knowledge in this course, which can be very helpful later in your training. Some things may also seem familiar to you, as we repeat small but basic things at one point or another.
S'inscrire pour le coursDétails du cours
- gratuit
- Certificat de participation
- Anglais
- N2 intermédiaire
- Moins de 2 heures
- 10 Modules
- Installation technology
- Switch cabinet construction
- Diagnosis and repair of electrical installations
- Electronic components
- Sensor technology
- Soldering
- Intermediary test
- Photovoltaics
- Home Automation
- Test your knowledge
Informations sur les modules