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Planning of electrical installations


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  3. Se former
  4. certificat de participation

This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and execute electrical installations in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Whether you are an aspiring electrician, a seasoned professional looking to upgrade your expertise, or a project manager overseeing electrical projects, this course offers valuable insights through a blend of theoretical lessons and practical applications. 

S'inscrire pour le cours

Détails du cours

  • gratuit
  • Certificat de participation
  • Anglais
  • N1 de base
  • Moins de 2 heures
  • 6 Modules


  • The work plan: First steps in planning an installation
  • Tool and auxiliary equipment list
  • The overview and installation plan
  • Principles of cable routing
  • Installation zones and preferred dimensions
  • Test your knowledge

Informations sur les modules

3 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

15 Minutes

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

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