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Self-Discovery and Career Counseling Course


  1. Trouver un cours
  2. S'inscrire
  3. Se former
  4. certificat de participation

Welcome to Self-Discovery and Career Counselling! In this module, we’ll focus on you—exploring your unique strengths, interests, and values to help you uncover your ideal career path. Together, we’ll dive into self-assessment tools, identify your passions, and craft a vision for your future. By the end of this module, you’ll have a clear and actionable roadmap to achieve your career goals. Get ready to learn more about yourself and set the foundation for a successful and fulfilling career. Let’s get started on this exciting adventure!

S'inscrire pour le cours

Détails du cours

  • gratuit
  • Certificat de participation
  • Anglais
  • N1 de base
  • Moins de 2 heures
  • 7 Modules


  • Career Counselling
  • Quiz
  • Mastering Career Counselling Techniques
  • Articles on Career Counselling Techniques
  • Watch and Learn: A Live Career Counselling Session
  • Summary and Assessment
  • Additional Resources

Informations sur les modules

15 Minutes

2 Minutes

10 Minutes

1 Minutes

10 Minutes

5 Minutes

1 Minutes

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