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Time Management Essentials


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  4. certificat de participation

It’s a perennial dilemma: How do we make the most of the time we have? Time is both precious and fleeting, and many of us feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

This course will give you core strategies to tackle that problem.  First, you’ll learn the basic principles of time management, along with some symptoms that could uncover  poor uses of time. Then, you’ll discover how to track and analyze your time to boost productivity. Finally, you’ll get seven tips to start managing your time more effectively. 

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Détails du cours

  • gratuit
  • Certificat de participation
  • Anglais
  • N1 de base
  • Moins de 2 heures
  • 7 Modules


  • What is time management?
  • 4 best practices of time management
  • Symptoms of poort time management
  • How to start tracking your time
  • 7 tips for effective time management at work
  • Test

Informations sur les modules

10 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

4 Minutes

3 Minutes

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