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Construction & Building Services

The construction and building services sector is all about planning and constructing buildings, roads and open spaces. This includes physical labour on the construction site, such as building houses, roads and canals. Planning and organising the construction work is also important. Another part is the installation of technical equipment in houses and the management of buildings and outdoor facilities.

What is important in these activities:

  • Good physical constitution
  • Manual dexterity
  • Diligence
  • Conscientiousness
  • Spatial thinking
  • Technical understanding
  • Organisational skills

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Courses in the field of Construction & Building Services:

The Level 1 = basic level is meant to give the very first basics for a profession, more like an orientation towards that profession. The Level 2 = intermediate level is for people that have mastered the basic courses and want to get a more detail knowledge for a profession. The Level 3 = advanced level is meant for people who already have knowledge in a specific industry and want to learn about specifications in that industry. The Level 4 = professional level is being designed for all those that are already working and want to acquire some new knowledge for that profession.

Basic Level

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Intermediate Level

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Advanced Level

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