Transport & Logistics
In an increasingly networked world, a wide range of transport and logistics services ensure that goods reach the end user in a time and cost-saving manner. To ensure that people and materials reach their destination safely, punctually and efficiently, transport operations must be planned, coordinated and monitored. This requires a great many people in a wide variety of fields.
Occupations in this category take place "on the move" - on the road, on water, in the air or on rails. Means of transport play an indispensable role in this. It is mainly the control of vehicles or warehousing.
What is important in these activities:
- Sense of responsibility
- Organisational skills and diligence
- Prudence and sense of responsibility
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Courses in the field of transport and logistics
The Level 1 = basic level is meant to give the very first basics for a profession, more like an orientation towards that profession. The Level 2 = intermediate level is for people that have mastered the basic courses and want to get a more detail knowledge for a profession. The Level 3 = advanced level is meant for people who already have knowledge in a specific industry and want to learn about specifications in that industry. The Level 4 = professional level is being designed for all those that are already working and want to acquire some new knowledge for that profession.