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Guided learning and self directed learning

Guided learning enables teachers to support and challenge pupils by intervening in a sustained and proactive way at the point of learning, as pupils read, write, talk, design, plan, make or practise.

A good example of a Guided learning approach; In a math class and everyone watches a teacher shows a model how to solve a math problem. Students ask questions until they are able to understand. Then, the teacher turns over the task to the students. This is an example of guided learning practice.

Whereas, in a Self directed learning approach; the responsibility to learn shifts from an external source (teacher, etc.) to the individual. If you've ever taught yourself a new skill — such as how to  grow tomatoes, or play a musical instrument. You can employ self-directed learning for anything you are motivated to learn, whether for a hobby or more work-related. Self-directed learning is essentially training for your students to build the skills that are required of us to problem-solve life's challenges, organize tasks and manage real-life projects. Self-directed learning also empowers people to decide where they learn and in which moments, meaning they can do it when they’re most motivated or able to concentrate.


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